Anything worth doing is….?

I believe asking better questions gets better answers. I believe we can change a lot one good question at a time- especially our thoughts, beliefs, and the things holding us back: most especially our brilliant, beautiful minds misnomered and mistreated as mental illness. 

So, today I am asking:
Is it true that anything worth doing is worth doing well?

My short answer is no. Anything worth doing is simply worth doing. Period

I talk further about it On my TikTok and xposted to Insta and Facebook

If you’d be so kind as to head over and listen to some shit I’ve learned that has helped me a lot, maybe it will help you too.

After, hit me up and tell me what you think – wherever – do you agree, disagree?

How would you change the quote?

Writing Prompt/Challenge/Thing

And hey, if you’re interested, ping back to this post and me, write or record your response and thoughts to this question. Maybe we can start something cool, ya know?* I really look forward to your thoughts!!!

*please note, I have no idea what I’m doing so if I’m saying this wrong please tell me lmfao

Question of the day, Socrates, Socratic method, mental illness adhd CPTSD trauma addiction recovery help me motivation question everything good advice getting better progress growth mdd depression gad anxiety MahButtItches advice tips tricks mental health mental wellness mental health tips and tricks mental health advice mental illness advice bipolar BPD ocd living with BPD living with bipolar living with ocd living with trauma living with adhd questioning thoughts changing thoughts intrusive thoughts managing thoughts rumination self help self talk self harm suicide prevention changing your life

Question of the day, Socrates, Socratic method, mental illness adhd CPTSD trauma addiction recovery help me motivation question everything good advice getting better progress growth mdd depression gad anxiety MahButtItches advice tips tricks mental health mental wellness mental health tips and tricks mental health advice mental illness advice bipolar BPD ocd living with BPD living with bipolar living with ocd living with trauma living with adhd questioning thoughts changing thoughts intrusive thoughts managing thoughts rumination self help self talk self harm suicide prevention changing your life Psychosis, psychosis recovery, trauma, how do I recover from psychosis? MahButtItches mental illness mental health needing someone to talk to find the others recovery addiction abuse ptsd CPTSD WordPress ocd ocd recovery thoughts rumination intrusive thoughts suicidality writing prompts writing challenges personal inventory personal growth recovering journaling accountability inspiration becoming your own friend healing

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