Deep Throat!

In light of the current shit-storm that is all things Trump, I’d be remiss if I didn’t avail myself the opportunity to say Deep Throat a lot.

While there is a part of me deeply saddened to see the US fall victim to the laughingstock of our own politics, there is another part of me deeply gladdened to see corruption blatantly in the limelight.  I was glad when Trump got elected, because it felt proper for an uninformed and apathetic electorate to insert their respective feet in their respective mouths (deeply…in their throats…)

The election of Trump signified the problems in voting purely along party lines, voter apathy, and also our country’s highest position is for sale.  As celebrities told everyone to “do their civic duty” and press a button, everyone seemed to miss the mark of both – actually voting, not putting hashtags on Facebook, and actually knowing who and why you are voting.   The election brought out the worst in pretty much everyone.

Now, Trump Jr. releases emails about meeting with Russians, Trump blames Obama for his shitty laws allowing him to break the law (#ThanksObama), and everyone generally looks around saying “Is this real?”  Is Jr. Deep Throat-ing himself? What is a clever name that ends in -Gate? Twitter-gate? I prefer Twatter-gate©®™ All the while, his father writes his own statement behind closed doors and may or may not be obstructing justice. I hear the cries of Impeachment loudly, but wince at the implications of the runner up who’d be tapped in, should our fearless Cheeto lose the crown.  I mean, seriously, President Pence?

While all the focus is being given on the SCROTUS©®™ or Orang-otus©®™, our governing officials are blatantly giving a middle finger to their constituents with healthcare non-reform reform, net neutrality, and cutting funding to everything.  “What the hell is going on?” seems to be the national attitude, as we’re all having the cock and balls of corruption shoved in our aching orifices.

I’ve ranted before about the broken system, neither party actually representing the people, and so forth, and as I hear over and over “This will get fixed at the mid term elections” I weep.  Yes, super, a bunch of democrats will be voted in, supposedly, and they will supposedly fix it – like they did by offering us probably the only candidate that couldn’t defeat the Donald.  Realistically, the mid terms will be ignored by most people, because POTUS is apparently our only elected official.  (#IVoted #GoVote #blessed)

In truth, we seem to elect corporations disguised as humans.  Insurance companies are raping all of us and we are being led to believe it’s Obamacare, and not Congress’ inability to do anything – including paying the insurance companies as per Obamacare, causing all of us to have higher premiums year on year.  Benefits are getting hacked as costs rise, public services are becoming privatized and raped, and “we the people” do the one thing our founding fathers didn’t want – fear the government.  The Boston Tea Party incited “No taxation without representation” while we are currently represented by a toupee’d orange, a blonde set of teeth (not elected), and a walking marshmallow (also not elected) at the highest levels, and representatives in the pockets of corporations at all others.

In the midst of all the votes to end Obamacare or continue talking about Obamacare, or continue talking about the conversation to repeal or replace or both or neither…ugh.  The investigations continue, and now we have sanctions, and oh, right, tweets regarding military strategy where Trump proves he doesn’t understand what acronyms are…(it’s difficult to support the LGBTQ community by marginalizing them via a tweet.) I could go on for awhile, but I just know I’ll only raise more questions than answers.

I’m not suggesting that I’m going to dig out my bayonet and shotgun, but I just don’t understand why the solution to the problem is repeating the problem.  The system itself is corrupt and not working.  It’s not working because the people are not being represented.  It’s not working because only the wealthy can participate – I don’t have millions of dollars for advertising, campaigns…christ, I’m too cheap to boost my posts on Facebook to reach a wider audience.  (You could share my posts and help me out,  you know…)

I am third party, but third parties can’t seem to do more than offer the most ridiculous assortment of humanity – so far extreme I don’t think anyone can get behind them.  I like to think in truth, Trump is a third party, because I don’t know what the hell he is (besides delusional).  It seems to me the country is ruled in extremes, divided by extremes, and seeks balance at the extremes versus finding the middle, common ground.  It seems people have honestly forgotten the purpose of government inherently, and they prefer to cherry pick the constitution (likely based on the amendments they remember).  Farmers formed and ran our country, farmers fought for our independence against a wealthy monarchy.

My hope in all of this is that the insanity will force the resurrection of discourse, debate, and actually conversing.  It’s easy for me to hop up on this soapbox, rattle off my rantings, etc. However, it is difficult to actually hold these conversations without insults, attacks, and generally poor grammatical rantings.  Maybe all this fake news will give rise to increased skepticism.  If nothing else, I particularly relish the fact that the wisest among us are comedians, and the funniest are politicians.

In present times, a wealthy man is at the helm helping other wealthy men and women become more wealthy.  As people convince themselves voting for different wealthy men and women is not the definition of insanity.  I don’t have the solution,  and I can’t stop asking questions.

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Government is a mess ~Alan Watts

20 thoughts on “Deep Throat!

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    1. Agreed; forgive me if I sound a delusional optimist, but I truly believe all of this chaos is necessary for change. I believe it’s forcing so many eyes open and helping everyone seek answers from within. I feel like everyone’s consciousness is being forced to elevate and change, because it is too much insanity. ❤ I know deeply things will get better, even if they must get much much worse first.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. For all our sakes, I hope you are right. It’s true the best comes after the worst. Fingers crossed. Man is good, actually God made in his age so he has to come around.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think we are all the Gods and Monsters around here. I think we are imprisoned in so many ways by duality – this is good, this is evil, and it causes us all to be arguing two headed dragons. I think many artists will find themselves quite tormented in days to come yet create the art that life will imitate. Lana del Ray is NOT wrong on that one hahahaha :*

        No worries lovely lovely Yassie. I think the best is yet to come – for you, for me, for everyone who truly searches their soul for truth and love.

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Let’s not worry , things will get better. They have to get better , God in heaven , it has to. We can’t go on like this. It’s insane.
        Search and ye shall find. We will find truth and love and peace , please , I plead , before I die.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I consider myself a centrist/libertarian Democrat (mainly because Florida is closed primary and independents and third parties have little political power as it stands right now; if I was alive and of voting age in the 1970s I could’ve just as easily been a Rockefeller Republican, but today’s GOP has no room for atheists and social, yet constitutional liberals like me), but you hit the nail on the head. There is dysfunction everywhere, it seems, in both of the major parties, in the way our government is run, and I feel like all of our freedoms are being pissed on. I am an eternal optimist, but the way things are at the moment really tests my patience.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hear you! It’s as if the parties are just going further and further extreme, yet in reality they all seem to be the same. People say the middle class is being destroyed, but I think it’s the middle road in general. People who just try to see both viewpoints and find the compromise. There is just no compromise anymore. No one wants to try to meet the needs of the many. People vote with their crucifix and not their brain. Which ,fine, if your theology guides everything ,fine, but “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” You still have to understand there IS a separation from church and state, and your theology does not dictate law. Too many elections are wasted on abortion and gay marriage. Sorry, didn’t mean to rant hahahahahaha

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      1. Not rantish at all! Back in the ’60s, people were trying to smear JFK and his ability to govern because they were scared he would ultimately answer to the Catholic Church as President. In the end, he’s regarded as one of our most respected and innovative Presidents because of the fact that he did indeed govern with his brain and not with his crucifix. And I agree on too many elections being wasted on social issues like abortion and gay marriage. Nobody wants to face the hard issues that really affect all of us, they instead tend to focus on the fringe stuff meant to get their bases to get out their torches and pitchforks. Every time a Tough Thing™ comes up, Trump decides to try and distract by holding a “campaign rally” instead of actually doing his job, and he spends the rally whining about Hillary and The Emails™ and the Fake News Media™!!1!!!1eleventy; nobody in DC is wanting to do their jobs. Where I come from, if you don’t do your job properly, you get fired…but for some reason in DC, the Laws of Physics are different….it’s the only logical reason why I can explain the f*ckery.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes yes. A thousand trillion times yes! I truly think the tweet about transgender people being blocked from military was purely to distract from Russia and the embarrassment of congress. Not to mention the complete lack of actual legislative actions happening. Motions to move motions. The social issues are a massive distraction and in the meanwhile government becomes more like the NFL, though they don’t show their sponsors.

        It drives me bonkers but we completely lack a viable third party. I keep hoping PORP will get their act together but I am unsure it will happen I never realized how many people are absolutely brainwashed with this swill. It’s not the government I fear, it’s the people who blindly follow 🙄

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I laughed so fucking hard at this. I’m pretty sure only about 10 percent of my coffee this morning made it down and the rest was freely spewed onto my laptop. You must tell me how you feel about this: I don’t actually wan’t the Orange Scrotum Full of Angry Bees to get impeached. Mike Pence scares me and Trump is delightfully ineffective. Thoughts?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I completely agree with you. Trump is an embarrassment and a lot of hot air. Pence, if nothing else, is actually a politician and can actually accomplish some of the things trump is failing at and congratulating himself for his success. I realize a lot of the hatred against Pence is from a lot of misconstrued articles, but I suspect just Obamacare alone would be effectively shitcanned with him in office. Trump is divisive and has both sides fighting against and with each other, which keeps all of this stymied. I don’t think that would be the case with pence. Realistically though, I’m worried that trump serves more as a distraction than anything. So yeah I don’t want him impeached either. Dragged through the mud and mocked? Yes. Please. Do that. Well try again in 2020… sigh.

      I’m glad I made you laugh!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. #blessed #notmypresident #iampostingonfacebookversusdoinganything

        Voter turnout, despite what Facebook looked like was a record low – particularly in the 20-30 demographic. It says to me our parents know how government works, people younger than me seem to think ranting on Facebook is how government works. Their president thinks tweeting is how government works. #irony


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